Thursday, December 17, 2009

What I'm reading, December edition

After a couple of weeks of being too tired at night to read, I just finished Bartlett's New American Economy yesterday.  Suffice it to say that our future is bleak economically.  I admire the writer for keeping politics almost entirely out of the book, that is hard to do when discussing the financing of our two largest entitlement programs, Social Security and Medicare.  Paying for them is going to be the monumental task of the next 25 years, and so few Americans realize that.  There are only two scenarios that can play out:  those benefits are reduced, or our tax system is radically overhauled.  It's that simple.  Only thing is, the implementation of either will be painful.
On to my new book...I'm cracking the cover now of NurtureShock by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman.  I first heard of this book on NPR one morning and was fascinated.  As I often do, I picked it up at the bookstore while it was fresh on my mind and put it on the pile to read. From my recollection of the radio discussion, the book focuses on why the last few generations of children being raised on the idea of self-confidence reigning supreme may have been done a major injustice.  I believe this book will cover the types of positive reinforcement that actually generates greater achievement and motivation, over the simple notion of just feeling good about yourself.
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